Standard Newsletter
IncludeAge Newsletter | Issue 4 View online

The IncludeAge Project - Inclusion of diverse older people in community and public places and virtual spaces

IncludeAge Standard Newsletter:
Issue 4 - July 2024

Welcome to our monthly IncludeAge Newsletter!


News Updates & Celebrations

Welcome to Joanna!

Welcome to Joanna Gregory-Chialton, our newest team member. Joanna is a Research Fellow on the IncludeAge project at Liverpool John Moores University. Her current research interests focus on inclusion and exclusion in minority groups within places and spaces, couple decision-making and gender. She specialises in qualitative research methods such as life stories, daily diaries and Reflexive analysis. Joanna will be working with us part-time, based in Liverpool, and we are very excited to have her on board! 

Well done to Marianne!

Well done to Marianne Cranwell (Project Co-ordinator) on passing her PhD viva, a fantastic achievement!

Congratulations to Susan!

And big congratulations to Susan Buell (Project Co-I) on her well deserved promotion to Senior Lecturer!

Place Study Launched

The Place Study is now launched and we are looking forward to seeing data come in from this innovative method of generating data in online and in-person spaces and places. The Place Study is the next phase of our project, where participants use tablets to record their experiences in physical and online spaces over time. 

62 Life Course Interviews Completed

The data generation so far in the project is growing steadily with 62 interviews having now taken place. We are especially keen to speak with people who have a Learning Disability and / or are LGBT+ and are based in Scotland - contact us via our website on our Contact page HERE, if you are interested. :) 

Phase II Ethics

We are in the final stages of preparing our next Ethics Application. This is to allow us to generate data using Social Network Mapping (using interviews and activities to create social network maps with participants) and to hear about inclusion from the perspective of organisations through short online interviews. We will be recruiting for these parts of the project soon! 



University of Dundee Seminar in June

It was great to hear Richard, Sallie, Martin, Phil and Rory give an IncludeAge talk and discussion at the School of Health Sciences, University of Dundee lunchtime seminar last week. The excellent session was called " Inclusive communities with and for older LGBT+ people", it was very well received and hearing from some of our co-researchers about their expriences was especially enjoyable.  

Stakeholder Event in June 

Grace and Leon organised and delivered an IncludeAge Stakeholder event to inform a range of Scottish LBGT+ and Age related organisations about the IncludeAge project. The event helped us to find out what challenges stakeholders find in including older LGBT+ people in their communities as well as identifying potential ways in which inclusion can be improved.

Input to Scottish Parliament 

Judith has become a member of the Scottish Cross Party Group for Older People, Age and Ageing and attended her first meeting in June. She will be inputting issues and findings from the IncludeAge project into group discussion over the next few years.

Making Connections in Dundee

Joe has attended two support groups at Advocating Together Dundee, an organisation who has supported the project greatly during the past year. Having the opportunity to attend these groups has helped us to make some good connections with this community.

Symposium Presentation in June 

Kathryn is just back from Sweden having presented on IncludeAge as part of a symposium at the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology - Ageing in a Transforming World. The symposium was titled "Not just for the queers: The salience of research on LGBTQ+ ageing for generalist gerontology and geriatrics and transforming the world". Kathryn spoke about place based ageing, drawing on IncludeAge data from the LGBT+ pathway.


New Resources

New Project Infographic

In anticipation of our upcoming organisational interviews, we have prepared an infographic on where we are in the IncudeAge project with some preliminary analysis from our life course interviews. We will update this as we progress. Please do feel free to use this to promote the project. See infographic HERE.

Our Project Outputs

We are sharing project outputs over the course of the project on our Project Outputs page. New resources will be shared in our newsletter each month.  


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