Standard Newsletter
IncludeAge Newsletter | Issue 5 View online

The IncludeAge Project - Inclusion of diverse older people in community and public places and virtual spaces

IncludeAge Standard Newsletter:
Issue 5 - August 2024

Welcome to our monthly IncludeAge Newsletter!


News Updates & Celebrations

Welcome to Sallie and Martin!

We are welcoming two new GOLD CAG members: Sallie and Martin. Both Sallie and Martin have already been hard at work on the project as co-researchers, and we are thrilled that they are also now becoming part of our Community Advisory Group.

Welcome to Kalli! 

Welcome too, to our new IncludeAge pet, Kalli. Judith is over the moon with the new addition to her family, and wanted to introduce her to you all in these lovely photos.

Data Generation Update

We have now completed more than 80 Life Story Interviews and 5 tablets have been sent out for the Place Study phase of IncludeAge.

Moving Forward with IncludeAge

The ethics application for the next phase of IncludeAge has now been submitted. Once this application is approved, we will begin recruiting for people to take part in Social Network Mapping and Organisational Interviews. 



Hannah Smart Talks About the Project

Our IncludeAge co-researcher Hannah and her friends and colleagues at People First Merseyside hosted the DAVID Project Conference on Dignity Death and Dying. At the conference they talked about being involved in mourning friends and loved ones, making wills, funeral planning, organ donation and the games they had make to talk about all aspects of death and dying. At the conference Hannah talked about her work as a researcher on the IncludeAge project.   

Laura and Judith Make Policy Links

Laura met with the policy manager for Age Equality and Older People (Scottish Government) to discuss how the IncludeAge project can contribute to future policy initiatives on inclusive ageing.

Laura and Judith will be attending the Social Isolation and Loneliness Advisory Group, and the Older People’s Forum in September. Both groups provide advice on age-related policies for the Scottish Government.

Members of the project were also invited to be part of the consultation to update the Fairer Scotland for Older People policy framework later in the year.


New Resources

Launching the IncludeAge YouTube Channel!

We now have our very own IncludeAge YouTube channel! You can view our introduction video, along with infobytes that will be regularly posted here: 

Our Project Outputs

We are sharing project outputs over the course of the project on our Project Outputs page. New resources will be shared in our newsletter each month. 


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