
include age

IncludeAge Activities

The project has 5 parts that we need to complete during this study.
These parts contribute to the research in their own way.

Part 1 is about making sure everyone is involved and listened to.
This includes people in the project team and mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with Learning Disabilities.

Part 2 is about understanding the experiences of mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with Learning Disabilities.

Part 3 is about learning from the stories of mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with Learning Disabilities.

Part 4 is about using what we learn to create solutions and help make positive change.

Part 5 is about making sure the research we do is useful and helpful for mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with Learning Disabilities.

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We would like to thank Values in Action Scotland for providing our Easy Read content and Photo Symbols for providing our Easy Read images.