Participation Opportunities

include age

Participation Opportunities

Advisory Roles: We have lots of ways for you to get involved with the IncludeAge project.

Community Advisory Groups and Co Researchers help develop the project.

We will let you know when there is a chance to join these groups.

You can also join our Friends of the IncludeAge Project group.

Data Generation

We have opportunities for people to share their experiences.
This is for mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with learning disabilities.

We want to hear your experiences with local and online communities.


We have opportunities for people to join our workshops to help find solutions to increase inclusion.

These are for mid-older aged people who are LGBT+ and people who are mid-older aged with learning disabilities.

This is also for professionals and people who work in inclusion.

The IncludeAge project wants to support everyone to learn and research.
We will also have opportunities to take part in the project in different ways.

• Our Team (Academic Team, Non-Academic Team, Partner)
• Our Advisors (Community Advisory Group, International Reference Group)

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We would like to thank Values in Action Scotland for providing our Easy Read content and Photo Symbols for providing our Easy Read images.