Understanding Place Experiences of People with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ People

Learn about this work package.
Work Package 2 recruits middle to older aged people with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ people into the project. We can then find out about their experiences of inclusion and exclusion in different physical and online places. We will also find out about how past events, and social networks shape experiences in the present day. At the end of Work Package 2 we will explore how groups and services can better support inclusion in different places and communities.
- Task 1: Ethical Approval and Instrument Design
- Task 2: Recruitment
- Task 3: Data Generation:
- Life Course Interviews
- The Place Study
- Organisational Interviews
- Task 4: The Place Study Data Co-analysis and Story Maps
- Task 5: Social Network Data Generation and Co-analysis
- Output 1: Life Course Autobiographical Stories
- Output 2: Textual and Visual Story Maps
- Output 3: Social Network Sociograms linked to Place
Team Leads
- Kathryn Almack | University of Hertfordshire
- Daren Chadwick | Liverpool John Moores University
- Mei Lan Fang | University of Dundee
- Meiko Makita | University of Dundee