
The Project

IncludeAge is about community inclusion of older people with Learning Disabilities and/or who are LGBT+.


We are committed to working collaboratively in all aspects of the project.


Look at our resources here – we add new resources about what we learn.

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The IncludeAge Project.

To find out more about the project, watch our short introductory video:

The IncludeAge project focuses on how we can improve the inclusion of middle to older aged people (40+) with Learning Disabilities and/or people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender + (LGBT+) (with the plus representing others who don’t identify as heterosexual or cisgender), by learning about their experiences of being included in physical places and online spaces. The goal is to build on what people tell us and to use this information to develop possible solutions to make communities more inclusive.
To generate information, we use:
  •  Interviews about people’s past experiences of inclusion and exclusion.
  • A place survey and photography to record present day experiences of physical places and online spaces. (The Place Study)
  • A social networking activity with participants.
  • Interviews with organisations that support people with Learning Disabilities and/or people who are LGBT+.
  • Workshops and knowledge cafes to create possible solutions to exclusion.

Project Launch

The IncludeAge project launched at the University of Dundee in Scotland on October 25, 2022. The team met to discuss first steps and to develop our partnership working practices. Please see launch event slides HERE.

Setting up the Project

  • Community Advisory Groups formed: one with people with Learning Disabilities and one with people who are LGBT+.
  • Gained ethical approval.
  • Community researcher recruitment.
  • Community researcher training designed and delivered.
  • Interviews with people with Learning Disabilities and/or people who are LGBT+ begin.
  • Place study begins.

Moving Forward

  • Interviews and the Place Study continue.
  • Social networks of middle to older people with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ people begin.
  • Interviews with supporting organisations begin.
  • Data analysis begins.

Making Sense and Sharing Knowledge

  • Data analysis continues.
  • Knowledge cafes, workshops, and events organized to synthesize and analyse the data.
  • A range of creative materials produced and distributed to inform policy makers, practitioners and public audiences.

Project Completion and Next Steps

  • A showcase event.
  • Final reports.
  • Community exhibitions.
  • End of project.

Easy Read.

We have an IncludeAge website in Easy Read, where key details about IncludeAge are provided in an accessible information format. To view the IncludeAge website in Easy Read click HERE, or click the yellow button that appears on the left-hand side of this page and each section of the website as you scroll down.
Easy Read information is an accessible information format designed with and for people with Learning Disabilities.

Key facts about our project…




Academic & Non-Academic Investigators


Community Researchers who are people with Learning Disabilities and/or LGBT+


Community Advisory Group Members


International Reference Group Members


IncludeAge Friends Group


Participants so far


Project Resources over course of project

Latest Blogs.

Our Activities.

The IncludeAge project has 5 parts called Work Packages (WPs). Each work package is co-led by team members and has aims and objectives, a timeframe, tasks, outcomes, outputs and impact. The project has developed a Theory of Change, view it HERE.


Working Together and Community Engagement


Understanding Place Experiences of People with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ People


Integrating and Learning from Stories of People with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ People


Listening for Directions and Co-Developing Solutions


Integrated Knowledge Translation (IKT) and Dissemination


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