Transdisciplinary Working and Community Engagement
Learn about this work package.
Work package 1 is about making and keeping strong links between middle to older aged people who are LGBT+ or have a Learning Disability and people in the project team. We will do this by sharing knowledge in a respectful and fair way between everyone. Some of the ways we will achieve this is by developing Community Advisory Groups to help guide the project, and by training people to do research as co-researchers in the team. The purpose of Work Package 1 is to ensure IncludeAge operates according to transdisciplinary working and community-based participatory research principles. These principles include effective collaboration, active shared learning, mutual respect, equity and inclusion, democratic participation, collective action and personal integrity. In addition, we have set up an International Reference Group of academic and non-academic stakeholders to comment on the work we are doing to capture cultural understandings of inclusion.
WP1 Tasks
- Task 1: Transdisciplinary Work Structure
- Task 2: Community Advisory Groups
- Task 3: Co-Researcher Training Workshops
- Task 4: International Reference Group
WP1 Outputs
- Output 1: Co-produced logic model
- Output 2: Communication plan
- Output 3: Journal articles
- Output 4: Blogs
- Output 5: Conference Posters and Papers
WP1 Leads
- Susan Buell | University of Dundee
- Anna Marriott | National Development Team for Inclusion
- Pat Scrutton | Intergenerational National Network
WP1 Timeline
- Months 1-40