The Project

What is IncludeAge about?

The IncludeAge project explores middle to older aged people (40+) with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ people’s experiences of inclusion and belonging in physical places and online spaces in England and Scotland. Information gained will be used to develop practical solutions and policy recommendations with people with Learning Disabilities and LGBT+ people to improve inclusion and belonging within local and online communities.

Why is IncludeAge important?

Community inclusion is considered a human right and central to living meaningful everyday lives. However, experiences of place and belonging of middle to older aged people with Learning Disabilities and/or who are LGBT+ are poorly understood. Without understanding their perspectives, middle to older aged people with Learning Disabilities and/or who are LGBT+ may experience social and health inequalities. This project works to reduce these negative outcomes by generating knowledge and possible solutions that can be used by decision-makers to improve opportunities for inclusion in everyday places and spaces.

What are we doing?

Our aims are to:

Our objectives are to:

Project Progress.

IncludeAge launched in October 2022 and spans 40 months, with a showcase event and a final report to be submitted in January 2026. For an overview of goals per year, view the project timeline on our website home page.

IncludeAge project progress40%

By the Numbers.

IncludeAge has many academic and non-academic national and international partners and collaborators. Learn more about our team including our advisors and funder in the About section of our website. Over the course of the 40-month project, we expect to involve over 200 participants.